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Dansyl-GSH (Product code : R02168)

Fluorescent labeling for trapping assay

RI and fluorescent labeling are commonly used to detect reactive metabolites, especially for fluorescent labeling, our Dansyl-GSH is useful for quantitative estimation.


Dansyl-GSH has a high stokes shift of 185nm. This makes the detection easy because the area which the excitation peak and the emission peak are overlapped is much smaller than other fluorescent labels such as MCA(87nm) or TAMRA(27nm).


In addition, the fluorescent group of Dansyl-GSH is relatively small and less likely to be a steric hindrance and inhibit the reaction. Dansyl-GSH is easy to handle and useful for quantitation in in-vitro studies because of its short excitation wavelength of about 340nm.


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